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Exhibitor Information

Exhibitors are key part of our conference that provide solutions and expertise NWGIS members are looking for. We strive to make this a positive experience and balance the needs for your organization and attendees. Please contact the conference coordinator with any questions or concerns.

How To Register– Click the link below and select one of the Exhibitor options. Vendors that sponsored 2024 Esri UC Meetup will be provided with a discount code - we appreciate the support.

  • Exhibitor - $800
  • Non Profit Exhibitor - $400 - Includes government and educational organizations.
  • Sponsor - $400 - Can't make the event but want to support the group? We can still give you a shout out.

Register Now!

Provided Amenities:

  • 6-8 foot skirted table 
  • Access to power and wi-fi
  • Two complimentary registrations.
  • Attendee list - NOTE: Attendees reserve the right to prohibit NWGIS from releasing their contact information.
  • Recognition on our website and at our opening ceremony. For exhibitors and sponsors.

Setup: Monday, September 23 - 8:00am - 5:00pm

Exhibitor hours: 

  • Tuesday September 24th – 8:30am - 5:30pm
  • Wednesday, September 25th - 7:30am - 5:00pm
Vendor tables will staged along the main hallway outside the presentation rooms. We work to not have vendors stuffed into one room; it's no fun for you or our attendees.

Teardown: Wednesday, September 25th after 5:00pm

Social Events:

There will be a social Tues. Sept 24 at the Times Theater, after the banquet dinner at the Convention Center. The Times Theater brewpub is a short walk form the Convention Center. There will be a DJ host coordinating Singo Bingo; contestants hear snippets of songs and fill out the bingo cards accordingly. This is a separate sponsorship for the gift card prizes. We will customize bingo cards with vendor logos for those that want to participate. The DJ will be announcing vendors sponsors for the rounds with a brief advertisement. Drinks will be available at the venue.


Seaside Convention Center

Attn: NW GIS 2024

415 1st Avenue

Seaside, OR 97138

Mon-Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm

Items are not accepted more than 72 hours before the event

If you have additional questions please contact Keith Massie at or 541.292.9292

Technical Support: 

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